Nicht wie alle Jahre wieder (January 2020)
“Elizabeth harmoniously combines vocal exuberance with darkened tonal values…The voice vibrates in a deep internalization…with coloratura security and brilliant top tones.” (2020)
Opera Magazine - Opera Siam,
Thailand, Bangkok
“Standouts were the American Elizabeth Moran as the Parrot, for her brilliant coloratura work…” (2019)
Somtow’s Daring DasJati Continues Magnificent Run (July 2019)
“Ten Lives Of The Buddha was one of the most daring ideas in the history of music…American soprano Elizabeth Moran demonstrated vocal acrobatics and élan.” (2019)
Amüsement Auf Französische Art
Staatstheater Darmstadt, January 2019)
“…Elizabeth Moran, who first sang Musetta’s aria from Puccini's "La Bohème" in a moving and expressive manner, later shined with sparkling coloratura in an aria from Donizetti's "Linda di Chamonix” (2019)
Les Voix Des Filles Au Méridional
"Un grand concert lyrique « Les voix des filles » au Méridional, avec le concours de l’Art du Chant français." (2017)
Le Chant Lyrique S'impose Au Méridional
"Un concert qui restera certainement dans les mémoires et surtout dans les oreilles."
(A concert that will certainly remain in the memories and especially in the ears.) (2017)